The dental laser replaces drills or scalpels in several treatments today. Delicate, quick and precise, it allows the dentist to perform painless interventions without anesthesia, since no needles are used. It also offers quicker recovery and minimal post operation discomfort.
A laser can be used in numerous gum and soft tissue treatments, such as:
- Gingivectomy (remodeling of suppression of a part of the gum);
- Gingivoplasty (remodeling of the contour of the gums);
- Hyperplasia (suppression of excess tissue on the gums);
- Operculectomy (suppression of a part of the gum that covers an erupting tooth);
- Frenectomy (removal of muscle attachments);
- Treatment of lesions caused by herpes or aphthous ulcers;
- Epulis removal (an inflammatory tumour of the gums).
To find out more about the laser treatments offered by Dr. Marie-Ève Costisella, don’t hesitate to contact us!