• Trois générations de femmes souriantes posant ensemble, avec la plus âgée au centre entourée par la plus jeune à sa gauche et une femme d'âge moyen à sa droite, toutes vêtues de blanc sur un fond clair, symbolisant des soins dentaires familiaux à la clinique du Dr Marie-Ève Costisella. Trois générations de femmes souriantes posant ensemble, avec la plus âgée au centre entourée par la plus jeune à sa gauche et une femme d'âge moyen à sa droite, toutes vêtues de blanc sur un fond clair, symbolisant des soins dentaires familiaux à la clinique du Dr Marie-Ève Costisella.

    Dr. Marie-Ève Costisella
    Dental Clinic

    Our mission is to offer you the highest quality of dental care in a warm and caring atmosphere. We are attentive to your needs and your requests.

    Our Services

Entrust your smile to our dedicated team. We take the health of our patients to heart.

For more than twenty years, our dental clinic located in Gatineau (Hull sector) has been known for the quality of the dental care we provide. Dr. Marie-Ève Costisella welcomes you with her professional, dedicated and attentive team.

Our dental centre offers a wide range of services in a cutting-edge environment. From dental cleaning, dental surgery and missing or damaged tooth replacement, we are here to help and guide you towards the best solutions adapted to your needs.

Our team of dentists in Gatineau Hull is committed to offering you the highest quality of dental care in a warm and caring atmosphere. We are attentive to your needs and requests.

Our values of excellent care, respect and empathy are of paramount importance.

We look forward to meeting you!


Prize and mention awarded to Dr. Marie-Eve Costisella by The American Association of Public Health Dentistry

Our clinic is very proud to have received the Community Dentistry and Dental Public Health Award, as well and the Public Health Award from The American Association of Public Health Dentistry.

Harmonize Your Smile

The dentistry sector has greatly evolved in recent years. Fortunately, there are now many options available to replace one or several missing or damaged teeth. Here is a brief description of the various solutions that Dr. Marie-Ève Costisella’s dental clinic offers to its clientele.

Our professional, dedicated and attentive team will care for you in a warm and trusting environment.

Here are some of the treatments
and technologies we offer.

The team at Dr. Marie-Ève Costisella’s clinic is proud to offer you several types of dental care, all under one roof. A wide range of services and the best technologies for your health and your smile.

  • Dental Implant Surgery

    A dental implant is a titanium screw that the dentist inserts in the jawbone to replace one or several missing teeth. It is recommended to replace these missing teeth to avoid bone atrophy, dental migration, chewing and digestion problems.

    Several Advantages

    A dental implant has many benefits:

    It bears a striking resemblance to a natural tooth root;

    Contrarily to a fixed bridge that requires the neighbouring teeth to be polished, a dental implant doesn’t depend on adjacent teeth, so it is a more conservative treatment;

    It allows the patient to regain a functional mastication, to preserve and stimulate the bone while avoiding migration of the adjacent teeth and antagonists;

    It can be used in patients that have lost all their teeth to help to keep their prosthesis in place.

    The Various Steps

    During your first consultation in preparation for the installation of an implant, Dr. Costisella will assess your dental situation. She will then discuss the various treatments options with you.

    If you have lost teeth several months ago, a three-dimensional radiography might be necessary to make sure you have sufficient bone volume to receive an implant. If this is not the case, Dr. Marie-Ève Costisella will indicate if a graft is recommended.

    The Procedure

    After local anesthesia of the targeted bone area, the dentist inserts a titanium implant in your bone.

    Over time, this titanium screw will integrate itself in your jawbone.

    The implant is then ready to receive one or several artificial teeth called crowns that are screwed onto the implant.

    Maintenance of the Implant

    As with a natural tooth, the implant must be cleaned regularly with a toothbrush and floss. Our team will explain to you how to proceed.

    Are You a Good Candidate for Implantology?

    Implants aren’t suited for everyone. Here are the prerequisites:

    Good health in general;

    Healthy gums and good dental health

    Sufficiently elevated and large bone base of the jaw to support the implant, otherwise additional bone graft procedures will be necessary.

    Graduate from the Canadian Implant Institute, Dr. Marie-Ève Costisella has developed vast knowledge in this area. She will gladly answer all your questions.

    Contact us now for an evaluation.

  • Wisdom Teeth Extraction

    Wisdom teeth are the third molars and the last teeth situated in the very back of the jaw. In the past, when man mostly ate raw meat, they were relied on. But with evolution and by cooking the meat we consumed, our jaws became smaller. When they come out, usually between the ages of 16 and 19, wisdom teeth remain impacted or partially impacted in most individuals. They can cause a multitude of problems, such as:

    • A periodontal pocket and bone loss of the second molar that we wish to keep healthy;
    • A food trap;
    • An infection, an abscess or a cyst;
    • An odontogenic tumour.

    The dentist won’t systematically extract a wisdom tooth. However, if it is considered problematic, the dentist will recommend an extraction as soon as possible, between the ages of 16 and 20. As the roots haven’t yet completely formed, the risk of complications is minimized. Additionally, the younger the patient, the faster they will recover after their surgery.

    Dr. Marie-Ève Costisella will proceed with a thorough dental examination to better recommend a treatment plan adapted to your situation.

    To find out more about wisdom teeth, contact us today! A member of our team will be happy to answer all your questions.

  • Crowns, Bridges and Prostheses Over Implants

    Harmonize your smile at any age with crowns, bridges and prostheses over implants.

    The dentistry sector has greatly evolved in recent years.
    There are now many options available to replace one or several missing or damaged teeth. Dental implants facilitate the mastication and digestion of food, while giving you the appearance of a natural smile.

    Graduate from the Canadian Implant Institute, Dr. Marie-Ève Costisella will recommend and offer a treatment adapted to your needs.

    Crown Over an Implant

    The crown over an implant is a crown that is screwed on the implant inserted in your jaw. This option is fixed and permanent. Aesthetically, it will give a natural appearance to the tooth.

    A crown over an implant will ease chewing and keep neighbouring teeth from moving. With bone stimulation, crowns over an implant preserve the jawbone.
    They can replace one or several missing teeth.

    Bridge Over an Implant

    A bridge over an implant allows the replacement of one or several missing teeth by attaching to two or several implants. This is a fixed treatment.

    Contrary to a bridge installed over natural teeth, the neighbouring teeth are not solicited or weakened with a bridge over implants. Furthermore, implants stimulate the jawbone, which promotes bone structure preservation. The sensation in the mouth compares to that of natural teeth.

    Whether it rests over natural teeth or implants, a bridge embellishes your smile while facilitating chewing and digestion.

    Prosthesis Over Implants:

    A prosthesis over implants can be fixed or removable. The fixed dental prosthesis will be screwed over several implants. It’s an ideal solution for patients who have lost teeth and are looking for a fixed and durable solution and whose jawbone is healthy and sufficient.
    It offers an excellent level of stability and comfort, and it is very aesthetic.

    Furthermore, the masticatory and enunciation functions are like those of an individual with natural teeth.

    A dental prosthesis sits over implants and can be removed and cleaned easily. The implants enable the patient to have a more stable and retentive prosthesis.

    In sum, this alternative has satisfied several of our patients.
    CTA: Contact us

  • Root canal treatment

    Root canal therapy is a dental procedure used to treat infections and cavities in the inner parts of a tooth. During a root canal, the dentist removes the infected nerve and pulp from the tooth's canal, which is then filled and sealed with a special material. This procedure saves the tooth from further damage and avoids the need to extract it.
    Preserving your natural teeth is important to our team. Dr. Marie-Ève Costisella Marie-Ève Costisella will be happy to answer your questions and explain in detail the steps involved in this dental procedure.

  • Crowns, Bridges, Veneers and Prostheses Over Natural Teeth

    Crown Over Natural Teeth

    A crown is used to cover and protect a tooth that is destroyed by tooth decay, a dental fracture, wear, a malformation, or a crack. It is often recommended after a root canal in order to properly seal and protect the tooth.

    Several materials can be used: zircon, ceramic or precious metals such as gold and platinum.

    Ceramic is the preferred material since its properties resemble those of dental enamel. Consequently, the level of aesthetics is optimal, and the masticatory function compares to that of individuals with natural teeth. With proper maintenance and hygiene, the lifespan of a crown is between ten and fifteen years.

    Bridge Over Natural Teeth

    A bridge over natural teeth enables the replacement of one or several missing teeth in a fixed manner. It is a permanent option that can last between ten and fifteen years depending on maintenance and dental hygiene.

    A bridge is installed on either side of the missing tooth. This allows a false tooth to hold on a pontic. It’s an interesting alternative treatment when a dental implant is not possible.

    A bridge over natural teeth avoids the migration and loss of remaining teeth and minimizes the risk of tooth loosening.


    Veneers cover the visible surface of the tooth to align and harmonize the patient’s smile. They are made of ceramic or composite. They enable patients to have a more aesthetic tooth colour and shape. They also allow the alignment of anterior teeth.

    This dental treatment is offered over anterior teeth to improve the smile and the aesthetics. Veneers are either cemented over natural teeth or reconstructed in composite on the tooth’s surface.

    Ceramic veneers offer aesthetic and stable long-term results compared the composites that can change colour. They also have a superior lifespan compared to composite veneers. Proper dental hygiene prolongs the lifespan of veneers.

  • Gum Grafts

    The gum is a tissue of the periodontium that protects the roots, the teeth and the bone by keeping bacteria or foreign matters that can cause inflammation or infections, from penetrating them.

    Various factors can cause gum recession, such as an inadequate brushing technique, malocclusion, bruxism, or genetic factors. Some people can present receding gums; that is when the gum progressively diminishes and exposes the root of the tooth.

    When the root is exposed, the risk of developing a cavity or sensitivity is increased. In the long run, the tooth risks becoming loose due to its lack of support. The only solution to correct this problem is to have recourse to a gum graft to protect the tooth and its periodontium.

    The Procedure

    A gum graft is a minor surgical intervention which consists of removing a graft on the palate and to then graft it with stitches on the receiving site. The dental surgeon may also use a synthetic graft. The intervention is carried out under local anesthesia. The patient will feel no pain. Depending on the case; it may be necessary to perform two grafts to completely cover the gingival defect.

    The surgical procedure takes approximately an hour and a half, and two appointments are required (one for the surgery and another to remove the stitches).

    Contact us if you wish to find out more about gum graphs.

    The team at Dr. Marie-Ève Costisella’s dental clinic will be happy to welcome you and answer all your questions.

  • Tooth Whitening In-Clinic or at Home

    Over the years, teeth turn yellow and change colour. Sometimes, even at a younger age, the colour of our teeth bothers us.
    Certain foods such as coffee, tea, red wine, as well as tobacco can colour our teeth. A tooth whitening treatment can enable you to regain a brighter smile.

    Our clinic offers two types of whitening treatments:

    In-clinic tooth whitening

    This type of whitening treatment is carried out in our clinic by Dr. Marie-Ève Costisella and her team by using the Zoom whitening technology by Philips. It gives you a brighter smile in less than two hours. A gel is applied to your teeth and with the help of a technological LED light, your teeth are whitened rapidly and safely.

    At-home tooth whitening

    Slowly, but surely. You return home with a kit containing your customized aligners and a whitening gel to carry out the treatment at home during approximately two weeks.

  • Digital Radiography

    Digital radiography is a precious tool in our clinic, since it offers a level of precision and exactitude that allows us to detect anomalies at a very early stage. This is made possible by using a limited amount of radiation, which renders the procedure safe and efficient for our patients.

    In addition, as the images are archived in the clinic’s IT system, the data is easily accessible and can be consulted at any moment. This is particularly useful for long-term patient follow-ups.

  • Bruxism and Bite Plates

    Bruxism is an unconscious habit which consists of clenching or grinding your teeth, especially during sleep.

    It can be caused by stress, anxiety, or a malocclusion. Recent studies have also shown a link between sleep and respiratory disorders such as sleep apnea or hypopnea.

    There is no definitive treatment for bruxism. However, several methods exist to prevent or reduce bruxism.

    We recognize bruxism by certain physical signs, such as :

    • Tooth wear
    • Headaches and earaches
    • Oral-facial pain
    • Limited mouth opening
    • Jaw and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) pain in the morning.
    • Fatigue in the morning
    • Tooth sensitivity
    • Gum recession

    If you have one or several of these symptoms, ask our team about the various options available. Dr. Marie-Ève Costisella will do a complete analysis of your situation and recommend solutions adapted to your needs.

    Bite Plate

    A bite plate is a dental apparatus used to protect teeth and jaws against excessive wear. It is made with a fine layer of plastic or another material that fits to the patient’s upper or lower teeth.

    Its role is to protect teeth against wear or teeth grinding and to reduce pressure on the various structures of the jaw: teeth, bones, muscles and joints. Most of the time, your dentist will recommend that you wear it during the night.

    A bite plate is one of the solutions Dr. Marie-Ève Costisella could recommend if you have symptoms of bruxism or teeth clenching.

  • Laser

    The dental laser replaces drills or scalpels in several treatments today. Delicate, quick and precise, it allows the dentist to perform painless interventions without anesthesia, since no needles are used. It also offers quicker recovery and minimal post operation discomfort.

    A laser can be used in numerous gum and soft tissue treatments, such as:

    • Gingivectomy (remodeling of suppression of a part of the gum);
    • Gingivoplasty (remodeling of the contour of the gums);
    • Hyperplasia (suppression of excess tissue on the gums);
    • Operculectomy (suppression of a part of the gum that covers an erupting tooth);
    • Frenectomy (removal of muscle attachments);
    • Treatment of lesions caused by herpes or aphthous ulcers;
    • Epulis removal (an inflammatory tumour of the gums).

    To find out more about the laser treatments offered by Dr. Marie-Ève Costisella, don’t hesitate to contact us!

  • Intra-Oral Camera

    In order to provide optimal dental care for our patients, Dr. Marie-Ève Costisella’s dental clinic is equipped with state-of-the-art equipment.

    We use an intra-oral camera for several of our treatments.

    Slightly bigger than a pen, it allows us to take pictures directly in your mouth. You can then see images of the problem to treat and its solution.

    The images are kept in your personal file. They can be used to monitor the progress of your treatment.

    The intra-oral camera is a precious tool that helps us plan and carry out precise and efficient treatments.

  • Dental emergencies

    Have you just fractured a tooth? Do you suddenly feel a sharp pain in your mouth? We are here to help you and relieve you as quickly as possible. Just contact us!

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